Merchant Milestone by Renee Leininger

The CNY Insurance Guy

Joel Siegfried has been assisting families in Central New York with their insurance needs since 2013. Whether those decisions are big or small, Joel continually looks for positive and creative ways to make families happy.

With the realization that happy family life is one of the most important goals one can strive for. Yet, all too often, uncertainties, losses, and even fear, cause that happiness to wane away. What does this thought have to do with insurance, you might ask? Well keep in mind that the milestones that Joel treasures is not the meeting of sales goals set by any of the companies. It is not receiving an award that might collect dust on a shelf. Among those great milestones, are the beautiful summer day, when Joel and the love of his life Natalia, started on a wonderful journey. Or in 2009 when their son Nathan was born. We can even mention, when a new couple smiles knowing that on of their fears fades away due to an insurance policy built just for their needs.

The point, cherish your spouse, protect your happiness, and if you would like assistance with insurance call Joel. It sums up with the words of Walt Disney:

"The greatest moments in life are not concerned with selfish achievements but rather the things we do for the people we love and esteem."

Courtesy of 
Joel E. Siegfried
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